Do you value your snowflakes?
No, this is not a pejorative use of ‘snowflake’ to take a poke at the perceived fragility of younger people. Take a look at this 80-second clip from David Attenborough’s ‘Frozen Planet’.
Unlocking the X Factor to deliver organisational change
The 2015 CIPD Learning and Development Survey[i] found that a top priority for leadership development was to equip leaders to drive culture change in organisations. Since the survey was published this has become an even more pressing issue as digitalisation takes hold.
The Knowing – Doing Gap in Diversity and Inclusion
The book ‘The Knowing – Doing Gap’, written by Professors Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton[1], is one of the great classics in management literature. The insights they share in this bestseller are as relevant today as they were nearly two decades ago when the book was first published.