Leading Out of Special Measures



Our client is a NHS Trust and when we first started working with the Executive team in 2018 the Trust was in special measures. Trust leadership rated extremely poorly. We were asked to work with the CEO and Executive team to help them lead the Trust our of special measures.


Our work with this Executive team has been delivered through short high-impact interventions every few months. How we have worked with the Executive team has changed over the years too. Based on the results of our discovery/diagnostic work we initially ran quarterly whole-day workshops focused on aspects of leadership and team functioning that had been highlighted. During Covid this work pivoted to shorter virtual meetings which have been sustained post-Covid. Team sessions are interspersed with regular meetings with the CEO and, when needed, other Executive team members.

Since Covid, our regular team meetings provide an opportunity for the Executive team to step back and think strategically and intentionally about how they are leading across the Trust.


The Trust has come out of special measures and leadership is now seen as a Trust strength. Since 2018 the Executive team has completely changed, so our work has taken account of these changes in personnel. The Executive team is now performing well and our regular time-outs are seen as a valued opportunity to think together. The Trust leadership is regarded highly and have now taken on responsibility for another Trust with the care system.

Additional Case Studies

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